Table 2: Guerrilla Care Campaign

These questions were the starting points from where the participants started to work: How can we help La Carpa (which is a cultural and political initiative which wants to legally occupy a public space, empty and abandon space in Seville)? How can we prototype a low-cost campaign which could be replicable?

Photo by Julio Albarrán

Photo by Julio Albarrán

This table had to create an action of urban guerrilla with a local social agent who is already working towards the Commons and represents the idea of «caring the city». This action had to produce with materials associated with guerrilla campaigns: pictures stickers, little posters composed by cardboards or papers with messages, graffitis, etc.

The group was composed of: Ricardo Barquín (facilitator), Ángel Antich, Anna Clemente, Roi Guitian, Dan Hancox, Maka Hernández, David Juárez, Anders Lindgren, Juanlu Matilla, Vitalie Sprinceana and La Carpa collective.

More documentation about the process