The hackcamp was structured in three topics/ hashtags. Every topic had two expected outcomes, and they were organized in six tables which you can get to know below.
These questions were the starting points from where the participants started to work: How can we prototype new narratives that enables a widely dissemination of the work of social agents reclaiming the Commons and in a form of a tutorial? This group had to produce a tutorial with differents formats with special focus on audio. The goal was to create…
These questions were the starting points from where the participants started to work: How can we help La Carpa (which is a cultural and political initiative which wants to legally occupy a public space, empty and abandon space in Seville)? How can we prototype a low-cost campaign which could be replicable? This table had to create an action of urban…
These questions were the starting points from where the participants started to work: We are going to think and design together innovative ways of engaging users (researchers, media makers, activists, educators) in a our video archives by sharing different needs and tools: aggregation, curation, tagging, filtering, remix, geolocation, etc. On the basis of Doc Next Media Collection as studio case,…
These questions were the starting points from where the participants started to work: We’ll explore the possibilities of our video archive as a device for web-native storytelling, by creating some demos that can inspire educators, activists and other media makers to use the videos of the Doc Next Media Collection for telling their own stories. This table had to produce…
This group worked to create a demo board game. It was an evolution from the known Monopoly game to Commonspoly; from the emblem of capitalist economy to a new design of resources management. With the Monopoly we learnt the art of financial speculation, the competition and accumulation. Instead with the Commonspoly they tried to imagine a cooperative and redistributional model…
The main objective was to produce a fanzine whose thematic was #Caring4theCity. #Caring4theCity is for us the idea of life which is worth living (the good living), the protest as a form of caring the city, to make the invisible visible in the social struggles process about the Commons, etc. With that in mind, the group created a fanzine composed…